Thursday, April 16, 2009

be late Happy Easter 2009

a late one but Wish everyone have a Happy Easter 2009....

anything interesting to share, I took the entire weekend to fix my album and took some more photos around HK... still processing it to be publish... such a boring life that I have :(
hi guys, one of my friend at HK urge me to post my photo album, so I figured that I should share with you guys too... i know is crappy but i'm still a learner in this field

Monday, March 30, 2009

Baked Beans on Bread

Hi All,

Well, Jenny officially resigned from work on Friday just gone as she has chosen to be a stay-at-home mum. That's fine but it means that from now on, we'll be restricted to eating only Baked Beans on Bread because that's all we'll be able to afford!

That's OK because I like Baked Beans. Hang on, that's not OK because I don't like the wind effect it has on the body!

But maybe it's OK because Baked Beans are healthy. Phew....

WAIT!! That's definitely not OK because I also like roast dinners and I won't be able to have that anymore because Baked Beans on Bread is all we now can afford because Jenny won't work anymore!!!

Will somebody please send through some dollars to my PayPal account to help me out so I can have a roast dinner again? .... you can send a whole lot more if you want and then maybe I'll be able to stop work as well! YEAH... that's what I'm talking about.


Howdy, 30th March 2009

howdy to my High School friends... just want to say "Hello" and a give a short update...
nothing really exciting for myself, just work and light workout these days... maybe
I'm getting old or too much office work, my body feel weak and fragile... that's the idea
of starting workout again... anyway guys, lets get this blog going ... :p

Monday, March 23, 2009

The House That John Built

For those that might be interested, I'll be putting up some more pics and stuff re my dream house building adventure at this website:

At the moment the website is quite crappy, and I'm only using the free Google Sites to do it but I will improve it as time allows. And yes, Alex, you want a reason to return to Brisbane? We'll, you're welcome to a room to stay in and I'll make you a dream coffee from my dream $2500 built-in coffee machine! What do you say? Plus you can help me build a chook house out back while you're here to earn your keep:)

- Johnny.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I thought that the title of this post might make you look twice... gotchya! Anyways, hope everyone's doing well. Umm... Alex.... I'm sorry I took so long to say this in response to your last post - "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" Even tho it's March now. Oh well, this blogsite is a bit like that though, isn't it... we tend to reply or respond to each other way, way too late. Better than never I 'spose.

We're still working on the house. We've got bricks, yeah baby!! Yep, the brickwork is officially complete (just in case any of you were running around stressing about this). I've installed my lights, power points... and now just about ready to start tiling and constructing the kitchen.

Oh yeah... also have to finishing painting my doors - job 4 tomorrow!

Luke, have you had your baby yet? Boy, girl, twins... names? Let us know what's happening. Khang, r u married yet? Alex, have you earnt your first billion yet? Jasmine, will you ever post to this blog? Mark Griffith, r you the brainiest person alive? Martin Schlegovic (however you spell your last name), r you still an imbecile? Err, getting off track here.

Anyway, R U ALL CRAZY? You all have friends here who want to know what's happening with you, so post it now. Oh yeah, ALEX... what on earth is all that star wars stuff on your blogsite about? I don't get it... please explain.

Ciao for now, folks.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008

guys, just want to say... "Merry Christmas" to everyone here... and wish you and your family have a happy and safe Xmas for 2008. 

so how's everybody? I'm on a 3 weeks vacation... nothing special plan, just relax and catch dvds etc. . . so how's everyone going to spend xmas?

Cheers... :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

new MacBook Pro and Apple Cinema Display...

sorry guys, i'm just a little excited about the new APPLE notebook, look like time to budget my new notebook over next few days... :) 

btw, i am writing this blog on my iphone... and seeking time to write my own blog, too... :p

my first official POST!!! YEH!!!

Thanks Johnny for re-inviting me to this exciting blog... which I think is a great way to stay in touch "Sorry Luke, wasn't planning to be a lurker all these times :p" 

anyway, as many of you know, I am still single, certainly nothing too exciting to share about kids and family life... (honestly, I want a family), things not exactly how I planned or imagine at Hong Kong. But all-in-all, Citi is keeping me alive and busy for pass few years... (lost count how long I being working for them.... like the firm slogan "Citi Never Sleep, meaning I hardly sleep, too..." ROFL... 

My brother (Bobby) and his darling just visited HK and on their way to Vietnam... i took sometime off from work and spend sometime with them, had a great short break myself and re-think about life a bit...

aiya, my post is very BORING, let's stop here for now... will share something interesting in the morning....

meanwhile, i go back to the live Apple Event... 

my Apple, my iPhone = my Life... LOL
no more Microsoft crap... :p

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Still Working Hard!!

Well, we're still at it with our house. We've done a bit more than the photos show - currently putting up the plasterboard sheets. One of the photos show Jacob (my boy) watching me work and thinking, "When the heck are you gonna finish this house, Dad?". Maybe Feb 09...

Since my last post, we've also been on a Snow Trip down to Mt. Bulla which was crazily fantastic. Almost busted my leg trying to snow board, but it was awesome. I don't think anyone has ever fallen over more that I did - but who cares... I WENT SNOWBOARDING!! The kids absolutely loved it too.

Currently, whilst building, we're living out of a caravan and a granny flat type shed I've built on our block. Absolutely love living on a big block of dirt compared to our last handerchief sized parcel - got room to run, breath, fly a kite (hey, I'm still a big kid), and grow veggies and fruit trees.

Actually, we just planted some fruit trees - Emporer Mandarins, Persimmons, Guava, and Passion Fruits. First three should take about 2-3 years before we get some fruit but who care, we're not moving from here for yonks - so I've got time. We're also just about to do up a u-beaut veggie patch which Jennifer will tenderly nurture. Can't wait to eat some home-grown goodness... have you noticed how the fruit and veg's at the shops like Coles and Aldi are garbage? A lot of them are generally rotten in 2-3 days... probably been kept in a frozen 'fresh' state for a number of months.

So... what's everyone else up to at the moment? Let's get some posts happening. If I can take 2 minutes to do this, so can you. Take care, Johnny.